Search Results for: wagging tails

The Shocking and SAD Reasons Why Corgis Tails are Docked?

The Shocking and SAD Reasons Why Corgis Tails are Docked?

Corgis, a beloved breed known for their cute and compact stature, often have their tails docked for various reasons. Historically, tail docking in Corgis was done for practical purposes, as these dogs were primarily used for herding livestock. The belief was that a shorter tail would reduce the risk of injury while working in the…

Cavapoo Tails – What They Look Like, Tail Docking, Injuries, and Tail Grooming

Cavapoo Tails – What They Look Like, Tail Docking, Injuries, and Tail Grooming

As a Cavapoo expert, I can’t help but gush about how much I love my dog’s tail. It’s one of their most expressive features, and I can always tell exactly how they’re feeling just by looking at the wagging or tail position.  When my Cavapoo is happy and excited, its tail wags so hard that…

Why Do Dogs Put Their Tails Between Their Legs? (Explained)

Why Do Dogs Put Their Tails Between Their Legs? (Explained)

Since dogs can’t talk, their tails are one of the ways they have to communicate with you and with other dogs.  If tucking their tail between their legs is something your dog often does, it’s natural to wonder, “why do dogs put their tail between their legs?”  Why Do Dogs Put Their Tails Between Their…

Are Goldendoodles Good Apartment Dogs?

Are Goldendoodles Good Apartment Dogs?

Goldendoodles have quickly become a beloved breed among dog enthusiasts, and it’s no wonder why – they’re adorable, friendly, and intelligent. But what about those of us living in apartments? You may be wondering if these lovable furry companions are suited for apartment life. Rest assured, Goldendoodles do have characteristics that make them good candidates…

Worst Therapy Dog Breeds: Top 5 to Avoid for Assistance Roles

Worst Therapy Dog Breeds: Top 5 to Avoid for Assistance Roles

When it comes to therapy dogs, certain breeds stand out for their natural ability to offer emotional support and comfort to those in need. However, not all dog breeds are created equal when it comes to providing therapeutic assistance. While some have the perfect temperament and willingness to help others, there are a few breeds…

Yorkie Puppy Care (Essential Tips for a Healthy and Happy Pup)

Yorkie Puppy Care (Essential Tips for a Healthy and Happy Pup)

Ready to welcome a tiny but feisty Yorkie puppy into your home? You’re in for a delightful journey full of wagging tails and puppy kisses! But remember, caring for a Yorkie isn’t just about playtime and cuddles. From nutrition to grooming and exercise, your little furball has specific needs. Get ready to become the ultimate…