Why Does My Dog Cough After Drinking Water? (Dog Hacks)

Why Does My Dog Cough After Drinking Water? (Dog Hacks)

Like us, dogs cough reflexively when their airway feels irritated. Coughing helps our four-legged friends get rid of contaminants that make their way into the respiratory tract. It keeps breathing passages free and clear of potentially dangerous blockages. Sometimes, you may notice your dog coughing after a long gulp of water. In most cases, this…

When to Switch a Puppy to Two Meals a Day?

When to Switch a Puppy to Two Meals a Day?

Have you heard the expression “growing like a weed?” That certainly applies to puppies, who have an incredible growth rate!  A puppy’s size, shape, and behavior are likely to change significantly over its first year. The rate of growth and strength and the development of their musculoskeletal structures are greatly dependent on the diet that…

How Far Can I Walk A Puppy (8 weeks? 12 weeks?)

How Far Can I Walk A Puppy (8 weeks? 12 weeks?)

If you’ve just got a new puppy, YAY! Puppies are SO much fun, but they are also a lot of work!  Between potty training, socialization, and obedience sessions, you’ve got your hands full. One thing you won’t need to do is spend TOO much time on exercising your new pooch.  While puppies need their daily…

9 Puppy Must Haves Shopping List (What you NEED)

9 Puppy Must Haves Shopping List (What you NEED)

Did you go and get yourself a new puppy? If so, congratulations! We are extremely jealous. Puppy parenthood is such a fun, hilarious time.  Everyone knows puppies are cute. But what people don’t realize is just how much work they are. From the moment you bring your puppy home, you’re in for a world of…