Dog Won’t Eat After Surgery [What to do]

Dog Won’t Eat After Surgery [What to do]

Learning that your dog needs surgery is challenging for any dog parent. The good news is, with the right post-surgery tips, your dog will be happy again. Going through the surgery is one thing; the recovery process is another. Like humans, different dogs have different post-surgery effects. Nevertheless, being unable to eat after surgery is…

Practical Home Remedies For Dog Scooting

Practical Home Remedies For Dog Scooting

Dogs can be cheeky and do many weird things, but one of the most irritating things they do, perhaps, is to scoot. Although this may seem a little mischievous for new pet parents, scooting behavior indicates an underlying problem. There are several reasons your dog might be scooting, including clogged/impacted anal glands, food allergies, presence…