How Long Do Chihuahuas Stay Pregnant? (Calendar)

How Long Do Chihuahuas Stay Pregnant? (Calendar)

Whether you intentionally bred your Chihuahua or found a pregnant mother abandoned on the side of the street, one of your first questions is likely, “How long do Chihuahuas stay pregnant?” Chihuahuas stay pregnant for an average of 63 days, although they can give a healthy birth between 58 – 68 days from conception. Unless…

Are Chihuahuas Hypoallergenic Dogs? [Chi Allergy Guide]

Are Chihuahuas Hypoallergenic Dogs? [Chi Allergy Guide]

Chihuahua dogs are known for quite a few things, from their Mexican origins and distinct personalities to their pointy features and reputation as the tiniest dogs in the world.  There are many things to consider when taking on a new family pet. Is the breed friendly? Does it need plenty of hands-on training and exercise?…

Do Chihuahuas Shed?

Do Chihuahuas Shed?

Whether you’re someone who’s allergic to dog hair or just don’t want to find it on every piece of clothing you own, it’s important to know which breeds might shed before you buy  – and that includes the chihuahua.  Keep reading for an in-depth look at whether chihuahuas shed, how much, and what prospective owners…