Can a Dog Get Sunburn? Simple Guide How To Prevent and Soothe

Can a Dog Get Sunburn? Simple Guide How To Prevent and Soothe

The sunny weather where I live has been stunning recently. As a result my Labradoodle puppy Max has been getting lots of extra walks! As a puppy we always limited his outdoor time. Typically to a duration of 30 minutes or less. Now that he is getting older Max is very comfortable staying outdoors for…

Can Puppy Eat Carrots? The Complete Guide on If, How and When to Feed Carrots To Your Puppy

Can Puppy Eat Carrots? The Complete Guide on If, How and When to Feed Carrots To Your Puppy

Puppies are inquisitive and love to try and sneak some human food. Sometimes they succeed even when we try very hard to prevent them! So can carrots and puppies mix? What happens if your puppy eats carrot? So Can Puppy Eat Carrots? Yes! Puppies can eat carrots. They don’t need to eat carrots, but they…