Are Shiba Inus Good With Kids? [Family Dog Guide]

Are Shiba Inus Good With Kids? [Family Dog Guide]

Shiba Inus are small-to-medium-sized dogs that are closely related to wolves. Their animated facial expressions and comparatively small size have made this breed popular throughout Japan and the rest of the world. But are Shiba Inus good with kids? Do they make good family dogs? In this guide, I’ll address this question and discuss why…

Are Poodles Good with Kids?

Are Poodles Good with Kids?

Poodles are beautiful bundles of sunshine and energy, but sometimes they have a certain reputation for being “yappy” or aggressive. Unfortunately, that reputation causes some people to hesitate when it comes to getting a poodle of their own – especially if they have children.  But, are the stereotypes true? Are Poodles good with kids? Not…