How Much Water Should A 8 Month Old Puppy Drink A Day

Some dogs instinctively know the right about of water to drink. Even as puppies, they hydrate to perfection. Others can have a. widely inappropriate idea of how much water they consume. Over and under hydration can be a health problem for dogs. Are you worried your puppy might have a drinking problem? Drinking the right…

Calculator: Dog Years For Small Dogs? Conversion Table and Best Dog to Human Age Formula

Calculator: Dog Years For Small Dogs? Conversion Table and Best Dog to Human Age Formula

Did you know that there are different dog years for different size dogs?  The old school rule converting dog years to human years is pretty simple. You would simply multiply the dog’s age by seven. So the old rule meant a two-year-old dog would be considered to be 14 in human years. Dog years for small…

35 Activities and Games To Play with Dogs Inside (How To Dominate Indoor Isolation Boredom With Your Dog)

35 Activities and Games To Play with Dogs Inside (How To Dominate Indoor Isolation Boredom With Your Dog)

Are you stuck inside in a lockdown or quarantine? Are you and your K9 housebound?  Can’t take your dog for a walk or to the dog park? Seen every program on Netflix? As excited as your puppy will be that you are home – being stuck there can be boring for both of you. Here…

Can Puppy Eat Carrots? The Complete Guide on If, How and When to Feed Carrots To Your Puppy

Can Puppy Eat Carrots? The Complete Guide on If, How and When to Feed Carrots To Your Puppy

Puppies are inquisitive and love to try and sneak some human food. Sometimes they succeed even when we try very hard to prevent them! So can carrots and puppies mix? What happens if your puppy eats carrot? So Can Puppy Eat Carrots? Yes! Puppies can eat carrots. They don’t need to eat carrots, but they…