Search Results for: Chihuahua bark

Do Chihuahuas Bark a Lot? (Stop Chi Barking Guide)

Do Chihuahuas Bark a Lot? (Stop Chi Barking Guide)

Do Chihuahuas bark a lot? The answer to this question is yes. It’s not a secret that most Chihuahuas are yappy dogs. Although dog barking is perfectly normal for all breeds of dogs, excessive non-stop barking can become an annoying nuisance and a bad habit that needs breaking. Keep reading to discover tips and tricks…

Which Dog Barks the Most? (7 Barkiest Breeds with photos)

Which Dog Barks the Most? (7 Barkiest Breeds with photos)

Dogs are known for their unique personalities, and one of the most noticeable traits they can have is barking. Different breeds bark more than others, and some are notoriously loud. Knowing which dog barks the most can help decide which breed best suits your home or lifestyle. This article will explore seven dog breeds that…

How Fast Can A Chihuahua Run?

How Fast Can A Chihuahua Run?

The littlest of all breeds, the Chihuahua, may look small, but they are mighty. It’s easy to think that Chihuahuas aren’t particularly swift because of their little legs and delicate builts, but these little guys can MOVE!  These energetic pooches can move faster than their diminutive stature would suggest. Here, we’ll examine the physiology of…

Are Chihuahuas Smart?

Are Chihuahuas Smart?

When you think about a Chihuahua, you may imagine them as a small, loyal, quirky, or maybe even yappy breed. These pups are loved by many for their affectionate nature and big personalities. But are Chihuahuas smart? According to Stanley Coren, a canine psychologist, Chihuahuas are among the lowest-ranking dog breeds in the intelligence category….

How to Stop My Dog from Barking When Walking Outside?

How to Stop My Dog from Barking When Walking Outside?

Urgh….there is nothing more annoying than a dog that is incessantly yapping while going on its daily walks. After all, the walk is probably the highlight of your dog’s day!  Not only does it provide them with the much-needed physical activity and mental stimulation, but it is also a welcomed break from the humdrum of…