Where to Euthanize a Dog for Free? (USA)

Where to Euthanize a Dog for Free? (USA)

So, you’ve tried medication, surgery and monitored your dog, hoping that he recovers at home. But nothing seems to work. You just don’t know anything else you can do but wait. Whether it’s kidney failure, cancer, old age, or a sudden illness, various signs could point that your dog’s health is deteriorating. Sadly there’s nothing…

How To Get Rid of Tear Stains on Dogs

How To Get Rid of Tear Stains on Dogs

Although dogs are emotional creatures, they don’t shed visible tears when crying or in pain. However, they do get runny eyes, which many people call tears. Irritated eyes, allergies, diet, infection, and other issues can cause runny eyes in dogs. Regardless, the watery eyes cause unsightly rusty-brown stained bits below the edges of the dog’s…