How to Decide Where to Put Your Dog’s Crate In House? 

How to Decide Where to Put Your Dog’s Crate In House? 

Nothing divides the dog-owning community quite like the trusty crate. There are very divided opinions on how good or bad they are. On one end of the argument, some people believe them to be cramped and cruel, like literally putting your dog in a cage however this is a highly anthropomorphized point of view. While…

How to Make a Crate Training Puppy Schedule?

How to Make a Crate Training Puppy Schedule?

So you’ve just brought home a furry addition to your family–congratulations! You’re in for a whirlwind of fun, fur, and emotion.  You probably also have a million questions about how and when to train your new dog. Today, we’ll cover one of the most important aspects of training: crate training. Whether your new family member…