HELP! Dog Keeps Licking Nose [What it Means]

HELP! Dog Keeps Licking Nose [What it Means]

Dogs have an enviably long tongue that can easily reach their nose, and they can exercise that privilege so much that you might think they just dunked their snouts in peanut butter. However, a dog licking its nose can mean several things, not simply just trying to clean itself.  Dogs have an ultra-super-hyper sensitive nose…

Why Do Dogs Lick Each Other’s Eyes? [Gross]

Why Do Dogs Lick Each Other’s Eyes? [Gross]

Dog owners may observe numerous traits their pets have, which are confusing. But all of these strange behaviors have reasons behind them. So why do dogs lick each other’s eyes? There may be different causes for your four-legged friend to do this.  Let’s explore why some dogs exhibit this odd task of licking each other’s…

Dog Licking Other Dogs Ears (6 Reasons Why)

Dog Licking Other Dogs Ears (6 Reasons Why)

Dogs indulge in some pretty goofy stuff, which we know is part of their nature. There are many of them, from sniffing butts to learning more about their mates to circling a cage before lying and chasing their tails. Among the many unusual things my dog does is licking other dogs’ ears, which I find…