What is the Hardest Dog to Potty Train? [Top 10 + photos]

What is the Hardest Dog to Potty Train? [Top 10 + photos]

Have you ever wondered which dog breed takes the “crown” for being the hardest to potty train? Well, look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of canine potty training and reveal the breed that’s known to give their human companions quite the challenge when it comes to doing their business in…

Help! My Restless Dog Won’t Settle (Advice and 5 Strategies)

Help! My Restless Dog Won’t Settle (Advice and 5 Strategies)

Is your dog forever pacing around the house? Are they constantly underfoot? Do they bark at the slightest noise? Does it seem like they just can’t settle down? Normal dog behaviors are at the root of all these actions, but they’ve turned into something that’s not healthy.  We all want our animals to be happy,…

Why Does My Dog Only Destroy MY Stuff? [Explained]

Why Does My Dog Only Destroy MY Stuff? [Explained]

Has your dog ever destroyed your things the moment you turn your back? If they have, you’re not alone! Dog owners everywhere struggle with similar problems and often don’t know how to get their dogs to behave and stop destroying things. There is hope, even if you’ve lost shoes, random household objects, or furniture. Through…

Dachshund Behavior Problems (7 Nastiest Traits)

Dachshund Behavior Problems (7 Nastiest Traits)

Dachshunds have diminutive stature and make great companions. However, they can develop behavioral issues like any other dog breed if they don’t receive adequate training and care. But that does not mean the owner is to blame every time a Dachshund exhibits behavioral issues. Rearing a dog is an endeavor fraught with difficulties. Furthermore, attempting…

Why Does My Dog Check On Me When I’m Sleeping? [Protection or Dominance?]

Why Does My Dog Check On Me When I’m Sleeping? [Protection or Dominance?]

Imagine dozing off in the middle of the night, only to find your furry friend poking or nudging you for attention. Does this sound familiar? If you’ve ever wondered why your dog checks on you when you’re sleeping, you’re not alone. This phenomenon has left many pet owners both puzzled and curious about their canine…

Why Dachshunds Are Hard to Potty Train: Expert Insights

Why Dachshunds Are Hard to Potty Train: Expert Insights

Dachshunds, often referred to as “doxies,” are known for their adorable appearance and unique body shape. However, these charming little dogs also have a reputation for being notoriously difficult to potty train. If you’re a dachshund owner or considering adopting one, you might be wondering what makes these dogs so challenging when it comes to…

How to Stop Dog Peeing in House When Alone: Expert Tips for a Clean Home

How to Stop Dog Peeing in House When Alone: Expert Tips for a Clean Home

Have you ever come home to find that your furry companion has decided to turn your living room into their personal bathroom? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many dog owners face the challenge of their pets peeing indoors when left alone, and finding a solution can be frustrating. Stopping your dog from relieving themselves inside…