Why Do Dogs Nest? [Nesting Explained]

Why Do Dogs Nest? [Nesting Explained]

If you thought nesting was only for birds, your dog might be making you rethink this theory. So, if you’re wondering, “Why do dogs nest?” I’ll share the most common—and unexpected—reasons here. Dogs nest for various reasons, including because they’re pregnant, think they’re pregnant, want to feel secure, and for comfort. As you’ll soon learn,…

How Long Can a Dog Wear a Diaper? (Safely) 

How Long Can a Dog Wear a Diaper? (Safely) 

The invention of the doggie diaper has saved millions of pet parents a lot of headaches and messes over the years. Dog diapers are versatile and comfortable, disposable or reusable, and come in many sizes so that any dog can give them a try. They are like baby diapers, only shaped slightly differently – including…

Can Dogs Eat Basil? Is Basil Bad for Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Basil? Is Basil Bad for Dogs?

In our desire to provide our dogs with the greatest nutrition for a long, joyful, and healthy life, you may be wondering if our fur babies can eat basil. Newsflash!  Like everything in moderation, dogs can enjoy this nutritious, tasty herb in small amounts. With its anti-inflammatory properties and high antioxidant content, basil has been…

Why Is My Dog Smacking Lips In The Middle of The Night? (Explained)

Why Is My Dog Smacking Lips In The Middle of The Night? (Explained)

If you’ve ever caught your dog smacking his lips, you may have wondered what he’s doing. While it might look like he’s trying to lick his chops, there’s actually a lot more to it than that. In reality, lip-smacking is a complex behavior that can mean a number of different things. For example, dogs often…