Best Dog Food for Shedding (2024) – Top 9 Reviewed

Best Dog Food for Shedding (2024) – Top 9 Reviewed

All dogs shed—that’s a fact of life. Despite their portrayal as a dog breed that doesn’t shed, even Poodles shed. Dogs shed to help get rid of old fur, allowing for healthy, new growth. Due to shedding being a natural and expected occurrence, there is no “cure-all” or dog food that can completely stop it….

Best High Fiber Dog Food for Small Dogs (2024 Update)

Best High Fiber Dog Food for Small Dogs (2024 Update)

Small dog breeds need more dog food or food with higher caloric content because their bodies burn calories faster than larger dogs. Finding a high-protein dog food is essential because small dogs have smaller stomachs.  The best high-fiber dog foods for small breeds should be smaller-sized bites so that your small dog can adequately chew…

When to Switch a Puppy to Two Meals a Day?

When to Switch a Puppy to Two Meals a Day?

Have you heard the expression “growing like a weed?” That certainly applies to puppies, who have an incredible growth rate!  A puppy’s size, shape, and behavior are likely to change significantly over its first year. The rate of growth and strength and the development of their musculoskeletal structures are greatly dependent on the diet that…

Best Dog Food for Tear Stains (2024 Picks)

Best Dog Food for Tear Stains (2024 Picks)

Tear stains are a particularly irritating flaw on your dog’s lovely face. Just when you clean them off, they rear their annoying head in a few hours and are back in your pooch’s eyes just when you think you have them beat. Urgh. Dog parents frequently seek advice on the inconvenient problem of tear stains and…