5 Best Dog Clippers for Poodles (2024 Update)

5 Best Dog Clippers for Poodles (2024 Update)

Everybody loves a beautifully groomed Poodle! But beyond beauty, it’s important to frequently groom a Poodle’s fur as it is shorter, curlier, and thicker than most dog fur and can quickly form mats. In the hotter months, you also want them to be as comfortable as possible. A clean cut can help regulate their temperature. …

Do Poodles Like to Cuddle? (3 Signs Your Poodle Lives You)

Do Poodles Like to Cuddle? (3 Signs Your Poodle Lives You)

Whether you’re on the market for a Poodle or you’ve just brought your new pooch home, there’s always an adjustment period for the dog and owner. So, it might get you wondering—should you start right off by cuddling with your Poodle? Almost all Poodles enjoy cuddling, so it’s safe to assume your pup wants to…

Can Poodles Live Outside? [What You Need To Know]

Can Poodles Live Outside? [What You Need To Know]

At first glance, it might seem that a Poodle’s curly hair would make them a good candidate for outdoor living. However, this isn’t the case. A Poodle’s “fur” is actually hair that provides little insulation from cold weather. Furthermore, this breed can overheat and get sunburn if you trim their coat short. I’ll help you…

Apricot vs Red Poodles – Are They Different?

Apricot vs Red Poodles – Are They Different?

Poodles have been considered a fashionable dog ever since their popularity skyrocketed in France in the 17th century. Still popular today, Poodles have gone from three basic coat colors–black, white, or “parti” (black and white)–to ten different colors recognized by the AKC. Colors officially recognized now include black, white, blue, cream, gray, silver, red, apricot,…