7 Calmest Doodle Breeds (with Photos)

7 Calmest Doodle Breeds (with Photos)

There are many different Doodle breeds, which is a cross between a Poodle and another dog breed. While they all have their own unique personalities, some are noticeably calmer than others.  Doodles came along in the 1990s, starting with Goldendoodles and Labradoodles.  People tend to appreciate Doodles, regardless of their higher price, because of their…

Cockapoo vs Poodle – Breed Comparison (with photos)

Cockapoo vs Poodle – Breed Comparison (with photos)

Sometimes parent dog breeds and their mixed descendants can be wildly different. However, poodles and cockapoos have more in common than you might think. If you’re looking for an energetic dog that’s good with children, Poodles and Cockapoos are equally suitable. Here’s everything you need to know to help you make that choice.  Breed Appearance of…

Cockapoo vs Maltipoo [Breed Comparison with Photos]

Cockapoo vs Maltipoo [Breed Comparison with Photos]

Poodle cross-breeds are becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Among the most popular crosses are the Maltipoo and the Cockapoo. The two breeds are often confused, and it’s not hard to see why — both are affectionate and friendly dogs with curly coats and a smaller-than-average size.  However, there are a few distinct differences between the breeds….

Are Cockapoos Aggressive?

Are Cockapoos Aggressive?

Your Cockapoo is likely loving to you, but if you just brought him home and want to have people or other dogs over, you might be wondering—are Cockapoos aggressive? Overall, Cockapoos are friendly dogs. However, they can show signs of aggression, especially if they don’t have experience being around many other people or animals. Furthermore,…