Maltese vs Maltipoo Breed Comparison – Which is Best?

Maltese vs Maltipoo Breed Comparison – Which is Best?

Maltese Vs Maltipoo – what is the difference? Which brings out the best traits of the Maltese, the purebred or the hybrid dog oodle? Read on for a showdown between these two breeds.  Both are small dogs with long lifespans, but the Maltipoos trend bigger than Maltese. Maltipoos have been growing in popularity recently, while the…

My Maltipoo Is Too Hyper (How to Calm a Crazy Maltipoo)

My Maltipoo Is Too Hyper (How to Calm a Crazy Maltipoo)

One of the comments we’d often hear from Maltipoo puppy owners is how hyper they are. From the constant barking to having zoomies – a situation when your puppy is running around the room uncontrollably, Maltipoo puppies are famous for having bursts of never-ending energy. Being a mixed breed of part Maltese and part Poodle,…

Do Maltipoos Like to be Held? (Training Guide)

Do Maltipoos Like to be Held? (Training Guide)

Everyone loves to cuddle a super cute puppy. The teddy-bear like Maltipoo are some of the cutest pups! But do Maltipoos like to be held? Are they cuddly dogs like Goldendoodles? YES! Maltipoo dogs do enjoy being held. While Maltipoo dogs are known for bursts of hyperactivity, they often return to their owners expecting warm…

Maltipoo Aggression: Why Does My Maltipoo Growl At Me?

Maltipoo Aggression: Why Does My Maltipoo Growl At Me?

Know everything about Maltipoo growling and how to stop it.  Maltipoos are one of the cutest and finest breeds of dogs. Their adorable behavior can touch the hearts of even the most stone-cold person.  Yet, do not think of them as any less when it comes to their aggression. Maltipoo dogs can get very aggressive…