
Cockapoo Images – Huge Breed Gallery and Cute Cockapoo Puppy Photos

We love the Cockapoo breed. A stunning Poodle mix cross between the hardy and exuberant Cocker Spaniel and the resilient and intelligent Poodle.

They are full of energy, often low shedding, and love to be part of the family!

cockapoo images cockapoo puppy in the snow
Photo by Kathleen Conklin /CC BY

See Cockapoo images in our gallery below. We love the breed and have written extensively about them. Find out what to do if your Cockapoo barks excessively!

If you have a Cockapoo (alternative spelling is Cockerpoo but much less common)then check out this list of 35 indoor dog games and activities to play with your dog indoors. You can get your Cockapoo to be exercised mentally and physically with the easy DIY and budget friendly actives in our mega article.

Cute Cockapoo Puppies

Even miniature Cockapoo puppies can be brimming with energy. They love to play with their owners and other dogs. Even small Cockapoo puppies love to play outside. Many Cockapoos take to water like fish and love to swim!

Mini cockapoo puppy running outside in the grass
Photo: Unsplash/Joe Caione

Their non-shedding coats are resilient, as as long as you use the correct shampoo and brush frequently, the coat will held up well to outdoor play. Even a muddy coat on a lighter colour Cockapoo like this

There are plenty of games you can play with your Cockapoo indoors if you need to burn some puppy energy quickly.

cockapoo puppy on leash pretty golden
Photo: Unsplash/FLOUFF

Cockapoo puppies come in a bunch of different colours. There are even part colour coats that are commonly seen as well. In this photograph you can see how the light coloured coat is stunning.

Cockapoo Puppy Coat Colours

  • Golden coats
  • Pure white coats also exist
  • Cream is different
  • Chocolate
  • Brown, Tan
  • Red (Auburn and Apricot)
  • Black

What does a Cockapoo puppy look like?

Cockapoo puppies look a lot like teddy bears. Of the Poodle Mix breeds they are right up there with the most “teddy bear like” cuteness. Cockapoo puppies actually look quite similar to many Labradoodles.

Mini Cockapoo On Couch Wavy Red Golden Autumn
Photo by Ray Larabie /CC BY

Cockapoo dogs are sometimes renowned for their energy levels. For fairly small dogs sometimes they will zig, zag and zoom all around the house!

The common types of Cockapoo coats are

  • Wavy
  • Straight
  • Curly

A really curly coat Cockapoo will look most similar to a Poodle. A wavy coat Cockapoo will look the most like teddy bear, and be similar to a Teacup Goldendoodle or Labradoodle appearance.

Think non-shedding wavy coat, furnishings (facial hair) and a hair coat rather than fur. A F1 or F1b Cockapoo is likely to have a non-shedding coat. They don’t usually have a double coat, rather a single coat of hairs. This means less shedding, but more maintenance.

Expect an incredibly soft coat for a good generation of a Cockapoo cross.

happy outdoor cockerpoo puppy
Photo: Unsplash/Joe Caione

I spoke with a miniature Cockapoo owner and asked her about the energy level of her (very small Cockapoo dog) Milly. Milly is over 2 years old and can still be picked up in one hand!

How much energy does your mini Cockapoo Milly have?

“She has boundless energy. It is really mind blowing just how much she seems to run around! We do a walk in the morning then in the afternoon or evenings the kids play with her to tire her out. We do frozen Kong’s during the day to mentally exercise her and keep her distracted if I am out and Dad and kids are at school and work.”

A great place to plug our article about how to properly pack a Kong!

What does a miniature Cockapoo look like? Cockapoo Images.

Miniature Cockapoos are super cute and small. What do they look like? Here are images of Mini Cockapoos.

Wavy Cockapoo Puppy Ears
Photo by Ray Larabie /CC BY

Miniature Cockapoos are a super cute blend of their two parent breeds. Much of their appearance will come from the grooming decisions you make. If you do a classic Oodle Dog trim like above, they are super cute teddy bears.

  • Special care needs to be taken to make sure that a Miniature Cockapoo does not have its eyesight comprised by hairs in the way
  • Irritation and red weeping eyes often occur just because the eyes are irritating by hair
  • Excessive eye build up can also drop bacteria and risk infections around the eyes of a Cockapoo
  • Without eye cleaner the gunk stains the fur around the eye of the Cockapoo and is a bit of a nightmare to clean away

If you don’t trim or groom your Cockapoo they can end up as a fluff ball!

wavy fluffy cockerpoo puppy
Photo by Kathleen Conklin /CC BY

It is okay to leave your dog as a fluff ball as long as they are comfortable. issues with leaving a cockapoo as a fluff ball include

  • Discomfort in hot weather due to the excessive heat trapped by the beautiful fluffy ball of fur
  • The paws can get slippery or uncomfortable. You will need to trim the paw hair of your Cockapoo to prevent paw trouble.
  • Knots and tangles occurs more frequently – you will need to be a brushing pro to keep it under control!
  • Tear stain around the eyes is common, particularly if the hair is annoying or irritating the eyes

What does a chocolate cockapoo look like?

For some reason – many breeders of Cockapoos say that brown, chocolate and black Cockapoos are in less demand than every other colour.

chocolate cockapoo
Photo by Kathleen Conklin /CC BY

Darker shades of Cockapoo are striking, beautiful and even photograph well! Be open minded and do your research to other shades of this awesome Poodle Mix breed.

Other breeds like the Bernedoodle are prized for their predominantly jet black coats. Check out our definitive and extensive Bernedoodle breed review.

Look at those eyes! There will be a change in the coat of the Cockerpoo as it gets older. Most of the change will be a physical change to being less soft and a little denser. Some Cockapoo coats will be actually become lighter over time.

In particular Cockapoo’s with a Chocolate or Red coat sometimes become a little brighter as the puppy ages. Results vary depending on the genetics of the mix.

black cockapoo haircut grooming short
Photo under license to Oodle Life from Deposit Photos

A beautiful black Cockapoo with a shimmering vibrant coat. How great is it? This Cockapoo haircut is quite short and really defines the shape of the dog.

Even at a short length, the coat of this black Cockapoo will still be soft. Because Cockapoo’s have hair rather than fur – even when clipped short their coat is typically still very soft.

Having clean eyes and a limited fringe also suits some dogs better. It really comes down to your preference and what the dog seems to prefer.

What does a wavy coat Cockapoo look like?

Of the three coat types that are common (Wavy, Straight, and Curly like a Poodle) – Wavy offers the best of all worlds.

dog bluebell field cockapoo play
The beautiful Dora (Cockapoo) in a field of bluebell flowers. Used with written permission from the talented Jayneboo.

Wavy coats are typically low shedding. For some Cockapoo’s they will be no shedding. The coat is soft and has the appearance of a hair that was curled, but has been allowed to relax 80%.

When the sun hits the coat of Dora you can see the length of the hair on her wavy coat. She had a longer Cockapoo hair cut when this photograph was taken.

The furnishings (facial hair) on a Cockapoo can end up very long. Wavy coat Cockapoo’s can have very distinguished beards. Even when owners leave the coat to grow, they typically will still groom four areas

  1. Around the eyes to keep the vision clear
  2. Around the paws to prevent knotting or slipping
  3. Around the butt to prevent smelly butt
  4. And around the mouth so the dog doesn’t eat and drink its own beard all the time

What does a full-grown Cockapoo look like?

The appearance of a Cockapoo dog will depend greatly on the haircut. In fact once a Cockapoo is fully grown it usually jus looks like a larger version of a Cockapoo puppy.

cockapoo haircut grooming guide
Photo by Andrew Bone /CC BY

They do tend to fill out a little in terms of weight and chest appearance. Overall though, you end up with a very large dog that looks pretty much the same as a growing Cockapoo puppy.

The biggest factor that will influence the look is the type of Cockapoo haircut or grooming that you choose. Examples include a Cockapoo with a traditional slimline haircut. I call this the modern Oodle Look, or a Summer cut.

This birthday boy has a traditional Cockapoo groom. Eyes clean, ears long (gotta respect the Cocker Spaniel), rest of body short.

Clearing the eyes without removing the fringe completely is really important. See the image below for a fresh example.

cockapoo puppy nose zoom in grooming
Photo by Kathleen Conklin /CC BY

Many DIY at-home groomer trim the eye area of their Cockapoo every 2-3 weeks. You can use a grooming electric shear, or just use a pair of blunt ended scissors.

Do not cut the whiskers! Be on the lookout for dog whiskers. Cockapoos will have whiskers all around their snout. You will be able to identify the whiskers with your fingers. Just groom around them.

two cockapoo dogs
Mille and Alfie at the beach. Double Cockapoo trouble! Photo by Andrew Bone /CC BY

The difference between a white or cream Cockapoo and a darker coloured coat. Cockapoos can be taken to the beach, even as puppies. You just need to be prepared and protect the skin of your dog against sunburn.

Mixed Coat Cockapoo Images

Some Cockapoo dogs will have a mixed coat. Splotches of colour are common. The snout, chest and paws are most common for areas of different colours.

Dark cockapoo having a nap
Photo by G Westin /CC BY

Some Cockapoos will even get great hair when they get old. Just like humans! How distinguished.

Given the opportunity, a Cockapoo will nap pretty much anywhere. Luckily they are fairly clean dogs with relatively low odour. Phew!

f1 cockapoo puppy sleeping bed wavy
Photo by Andrew Bone /CC BY

Some Cockapoo’s will develop a smell or problem. The causes are usually pretty simple and can be easily fixed. See this list of why the similar breed Goldendoodle can stink. It is a definitive guide to beating doggy smells by identifying the cause.

Fix the cause, don’t just deodorise.

Naming your Cockapoo can be a bit of a challenge. Easier if they enjoy wearing costumes like this trooper! Ace? Goose? Hawk?

For something a little different and in another galaxy, check our our list of 53 actually good Star Wars dog names. Some are subtle, all are good!

Cockapoo Images - Huge Breed Gallery and Cute Cockapoo Puppy Photos 1
Photo under license to Oodle Life from Deposit Photos

Beautiful bandana black boy Cockapoo. Love the white patch on this black coat Cockapoo! What a cutie.

cockapoo puppy pretty haircut leaf
Photo by Kathleen Conklin /CC BY

You don’t have to wash your Cockapoo with shampoo every single time they come in from outdoors. The Cockapoo coat is typically low odour and doesn’t trap too much dirt.

Mud, dust and I guess leave on the head (see photo above) do need to be addressed though.

red cockapoo dog on beach
Photo by Graeme Darbyshire /CC BY

I really like Cockapoo coats of all colours, but red coats can be an absolute show stopper. Highlight it all with a beautiful black nose and a red harness! Cute stuff.

happy cockapoo puppy running
Photo by Ray Larabie /CC BY
  • Low allergy
  • Low shedding
  • Fun loving
  • Excellent pets
  • Excellent friends
  • Kid friendly
  • Cheeky

If you were a Cockapoo with so many amazing traits you would be leaping for joy too.

cockapoo puppy at a party
Photo under license to Oodle Life from Deposit Photos

You made it to the end of the gallery – it is party time! We love the Cockapoo breed and hope you are inspired to love it too. From super cute puppies to fully grown cockapoo images – we hope you found what you are looking for.

To see more breed images check out

Or for something completely different let’s find out if dogs can be scared of the dark!