The Bernedoodle Review – Comprehensive Breed Guide and Best Breeder Info
Bernedoodles are a giant Poodle Cross between the Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle.
Bernese Mountain Dogs are a giant breed, so Bernedoodles can be large and sturdy.
Often non-shedding and almost hypoallergenic and with an excellent family friendly temperament, Bernedoodles are rapidly rising in popularity as family pets.
We write extensively on Bernedoodles and can give you the complete picture in our detailed Bernedoodle review. In this extensive article we answer dozens of important questions you need to know before you get a Bernedoodle puppy.
For a quick overview, you could check out the Bernedoodle 101 and learn 10 fast facts to make you an expert in no time at all. For a more serious breed review, read our extensive research (with actual Bernedoodle owners and breeders) below.
We link to our detailed reporting if you need further information about any of the questions. We also have a Oodle Life YouTube channel that has breed information about Poodle Mix dogs.
There are plenty of images of Bernedoodles in this article, and you can also check out our gallery of Bernedoodle photographs from images of Bernedoodle puppies and puppy coats, right through to photographs of F1 and F1b Bernedoodle adults.
The Bernedoodle Review
Product Name: Bernedoodle Poodle Mix Breed
Product Description: The Bernedoodle has become very popular in the last 10 years. A giant mix breed of the Bernese Mountain Dog X Poodle - the Bernedoodle is excellent with families, loyal, cuddly and visually striking. Many Bernedoodle are low to no shedding and allergy sufferers love this breed.
Brand: Oodle Dog
Built from impressive stock, the Bernedoodle is an impressive all-rounder family companion dog. They are famous for their striking often tri-coloured coats of jet black, clear white, and rust.
They inherit this coat from their sturdy and intelligent Bernese Mountain Dog parent. The non-shedding and approaching hypoallergenic coat type is another reason why the Bernedoodle is surging in popularity worldwide.
- Family friendly and can get along with kids
- A giant Poodle mix breed, one of the largest (How big can Bernedoodles Get)
- Many generations and types of Bernedoodle are low to non-shedding (Do Bernedoodles Shed)
- You can share your thoughts and rate the Bernedoodle breed in the comments at the very bottom of this page.
Energy Level
Love For Outdoors
Friendliness to Dogs
Friendliness to Kids
Ease of Training
Potty Training as Puppy
Drooling Amount (low is good)
General Health
Low Barking
Swimming/Water Love
- Low to non-shedding (commonly)
- Great with kids and children
- Can get along with other dogs and Bernedoodles can even get along with cats
- Trainable and intelligent
- Hypoallergenic (commonly)
- Beautiful soft fur that is not lost during the puppy coat change
- Love to cuddle
- Can be miniature, or all the way up to giant sized
- Loyal dogs that can be protective of the family pack
- Bernedoodles are active, they love to run, and love to swim
- Easy to potty train a Bernedoodle
- Non-shedding breeds with hair instead of fur are higher maintainence. You will need to invest in a high quality slicker brush (and a budget friendly but specially finished steel comb) to brush your Bernedoodle.
- Ongoing grooming costs are not insignificant, Bernedoodles need to be groomed from around 5 months of age
- You can use the best Bernedoodle shampoos at home, but many people also choose to use professional groomers
- Larger dogs can eat 3-4 cups of food per day, and more while growing
- The base cost of a Bernedoodle from a reputable breeder is high, often $3000-4000 USD.
Why The Bernedoodle Is So Popular
You can see that the Bernedoodle is an excellent Poodle cross. Much of the high ratings comes from the fact that the purebreed Bernese Mountain Dog and also the Poodle are both impressive dog breeds.
The breed standard of the Poodle has very few serious health problems. There is such love and care amongst quality Poodle breeders that the excellent non-shedding coat, playful and intelligent personality, and family friendliness are extremely common.
Bernese Mountain Dogs are indeed a giant breed, which comes with a shorter lifespan. With care though their health issues can be dealt with or prevented.
The temperament and loyalty of a Bernese Mountain Dog (AKA a BMD or Berner) are top notch. Owners of BMD’s report a headstrong dog, sometimes a challenge to train. They are intelligent and loyal.
There are so many top quality traits from the parent breed it is no wonder that the Bernedoodle ends up in such a great place with its temperament, trainability, loyalty, and beautiful coat.
Who Created The Bernedoodle?
Bernedoodles are of course actually created by their parents. Jokes aside, humans do have a role in making Bernedoodles as popular as they are today.
There may have been naturally occurring Bernedoodles existing in the world for quite a time, as Poodles and Bernese Mountain Dogs are both popular breeds.
Intentionally bred Bernedoodle dogs however have been around since the early 2000s.
A breeder named Sherry Rupke says she was the first person to intentionally breed a Bernedoodle. The first litter had two puppies! She wanted to add the healthy genetics and personality of a Poodle to the BMD and also hoped for low-shedding coat benefits.
Sherry still breeds Bernedoodles today, and advocates for responsible, ethical breeding. See more about SwissRidge and Sherry Rupke in our Bernedoodle breeders section below.
Photo licensed to Oodle Life by: Deposit Photos
Why Get A Bernedoodle?
Bernedoodles are a pretty impressive Poodle cross breed. The most common reasons why people choose a Bernedoodle are
- Hypoallergenic requirements in the household, or asthma sufferers in children or adults
- A desire for a cute, teddy-bear like but LARGE dogs
- The Tri-colour coat of jet black, clear white and rust has many strong admirers
- People want a Bernese Mountain Dog but cannot deal with the shedding
- The slight boost in lifespan compared with a pure BMD
- Poodle lovers who would like a sturdier, larger dog
- The many owners who find their Bernedoodle in a shelter and fall in love with their personality
How to pronounce Bernedoodle
How do you pronounce Bernedoodle? Check our out Bernedoodle 101 video to see how it sounds.
Bernedoodle can be pronounced by
- There are four syllables
- The first half of the word is pronounced “BERN-EH”
- The second half of the word Doodle rhymes with Poodle.
Bernedoodle what mix? Bernedoodle what are they? What’s a Bernedoodle dog?
Bernedoodle is a mix of the Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle. You can use any size of Poodle in the mix. Toy Poodles produce the smallest F1 Bernedoodles. Medium and Standard Poodle produce larger dogs.
The size and weight of the Bernedoodle comes from the Bernese Mountain Dog size of the mix. The coat and temperament are inherited from both parents.
A F1 Bernedoodle is a pure cross between a BMD and Poodle. This means 50% genetics from each breed.
The popular F1b bernedoodle has a Poodle back cross, this means the F1b Bernedoodle is 75% Poodle and 25% Bernese Mountain Dog.
What does a Bernedoodle Look Like?
The look of a Bernedoodle varies depending greatly on the type of coat. A stereotypical Bernedoodle will look like
- A boxy snout (compared to a Poodle, disguised by the facial hair)
- Broad shoulders
- A wavy or loosely curly coat
- Often a tri-color coat of jet black, clear white, and splashes of rust
Depending on the genetics, a Bernedoodle can look either more a Poodle, or more like a Berner (Bernese Mountain Dog).
This is a cross breed with no breed standard. Different breeders and dogs around the world will have different desired traits.
The type of Bernedoodle haircut will also influence greatly the appearance of a Bernedoodle.
What is a F1 Bernedoodle?
The different generations of Bernedoodle are noted by different names. A F1 Bernedoodle refers to a first generation Bernedoodle.
This means that a F1 Bernedoodle puppy would have a Bernese Mountain Dog parent, and one Poodle parent.
The genetic makeup of a F1 Bernedoodle is 50% of each parent breed. 50% Bernese Mountain Dog and 50% Poodle.
A F1 Bernedoodle can be low shedding, but it is the total percentage of Poodle genetics that makes them more likely to be hypoallergenic or non-shedding. This means a F1b Bernedoodle is less likely to shed.
F1 Bernedoodles often have the desirable tri-colour coat inherited from the Berner parent. This will be predominantly jet black, with clear white and splashes of rust.
What is a F1b Bernedoodle
A F1b Bernedoodle is a backcross of a F1 Bernedoodle with a Poodle. What does that mean?
F1b means that a 50/50 F1 Bernedoodle is bred with a Poodle. This increases the overall percentage of Poodle genetics in a F1b Bernedoodle to 75%.
The increase in Poodle genetics trends the breed towards two different outcomes
- A longer life expectancy
- Lower shedding and closer to hypoallergenic
Many F1b Bernedoodles have the distinctive Berner style tri-colour coat. They also come in white, black, brown patches, and everything in between.
The increase in life expectancy comes from the increase in Poodle genetics reducing the overall size of the dog, and also the fact that Poodles live longer than BMD’s in general.
F1b Bernedoodle tends to have either a curly coat, or a wavy coat. These both have much lower shedding than straight coats.
What is a F2 Bernedoodle?
An F2 bernedoodle occurs when a F1 Bernedoodle is crossed with another F1 Bernedoodle.
The percentage genetics will still be 50% or each parent breed if this occurs with two pure F1 Bernedoodles.
Technically a F1 Bernedoodle could cross with a F1b Bernedoodle and be considered a F2 Bernedoodle.
This would result in a dog with a higher percentage of Poodle genetics.
F2 Bernedoodle dogs that are 50% of each breed are more likely to exhibit a combination of traits from both breeds with less variance. They are also less likely to have a crisp tri-colour coat appearance.
A F2 Bernedoodle that is 50% Poodle genetics will have no significantly greater or lower chance of having a shedding or dander gene than a F1 Bernedoodle. So if you get a F2 Bernedoodle there is no guarantee it will be more hypoallergenic or lower shedding than a F1 Bernedoodle.
What is a F3 Bernedoodle?
An F3 Bernedoodle occurs when two F2 Bernedoodles mate. This is not an extremely common scenario. You can end up with an amazing dog from this cross, but it is not found frequently.
The coat is not distinct in F3 Bernedoodles. There is limited health or overall benefit according to breeders for having a F3 multigen Bernedoodle.
It is very, very hard to predict coat type and shedding extent for a F3 Bernedoodle.
How Do You Potty Train a Bernedoodle?
One of the first concrete training steps you should take it to potty train your Bernedoodle. Doing this correctly will make your life much easier in the long run.
We wrote an extensive step by step guide to potty training your Bernedoodle. We requested advice and quotes from expert dog trainers and Veterinarians for that article. Check it out!
If you live in an apartment or the Bernedoodle will spend most of the time on the second storey of your house, then consider the approach to toileting. Do you want to train your Bernedoodle to alert you every time it needs to toilet?
An alternative is to either buy or DIY a porch potty. You can learn about our luxury self draining DIY porch potty build, or check out the list of the best DIY or cheap balcony and porch potty indoor dog toilet options available.
Is an Australian Bernedoodle different from a Bernedoodle?
The Australian Bernedoodle is a completely different breed than a Bernedoodle. The Australian Bernedoodle arises when specific breeders are crossing specific types of dogs.
They start with an Australian Labradoodle, and cross it with a Bernese Mountain Dog.
This results in a dog that has lower Poodle percentage genetics, and relatively higher Bernese Mountain Dog. There will also be Labrador genes!
Find out more about the Australian Bernedoodle and the differences between it and the Bernedoodle in our detailed comparison.
Why is my Bernedoodle Puppy Shedding?
When people get a Bernedoodle dog, they are often hoping for a low to non-shedding dog. While there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog, a low shedding breed that has little dander will come very close.
If you have a Bernedoodle puppy and it starts to shed, do no despair. There are two explanations. One is upbeat, the other means you might actually have a shedding Bernedoodle. This is not the end of the world but can be a bit of a surprise for owners.
The first reason a Bernedoodle puppy might be shedding is due to it losing its puppy coat.
As a Bernedoodle puppy gets older, their coat often changes. I interviewed groomers, owners and breeders about the puppy coat change. Our data found that for many Bernedoodles the change will be noticeable and include a time of extra shedding.
Owners will typically notice this as an increase in hair that is shed during routine brushing. You will need to brush a Bernedoodle at least once a week. The earlier you introduce brushing to a dog the healthier the coat, and the more familiarity the puppy has with grooming.
Choose the best possible brush for your Bernedoodle. You need only buy one slicker brush for your dog. Invest in a good quality brush once, and keep it for a lifetime.
The only other brush you will need is a simple stainless comb. See more in our detailed Bernedoodle brush review and testing.
The second reason your Bernedoodle puppy may be shedding is because it has a shedding type coat.
If your bernedoodle has a straight coat, it is likely to shed. Even wavy coats can be shedding if certain genes are present. If you notice shedding from very early days, no not expect it to stop.
A positive of a shedding Bernedoodle coat is that it will require much less maintenance than a non-shedder. It will however, require much more vacuuming.
What Color Bernedoodles Are There?
Bernedoodles come in a few different colours, and also distinctive patterns of those colours too.
Bernedoodle colours include
- Black
- Black and brown (rust)
- Black & White,
- Tricolor mix of white, black and brown (rust)
You can find Bernedoodles with a variety of coat patterns including Phantom, Brindle and Merle.
Why is My Bernedoodle Shedding?
Your Bernedoodle may be shedding because
- Your Bernedoodle a straight coat Bernedoodle
- It is a F1 or F2 Bernedoodle that inherited more genes from the Bernese Mountain Dog than the non-shedding Poodle
- Your Bernedoodle is going through a normal puppy coat change as it gets older
- Your Bernedoodle of ANY coat type happened to inherit shedding genes (Yes even curly coat Bernedoodles can shed if they inherit certain genes)
- There is a skin condition – always brush your Bernedoodle and use the best quality gentle Bernedoodle shampoos
- Use the best Bernedoodle brush and brush at least once per week (also use this particular budget steel comb to seek out any coat tangles)
- If your Bernedoodle does not have furnishings (facial hair, a moustache and beard) then it is likely to exhibit a shedding coat it’s whole life
Are Bernedoodles Hypoallergenic?
There is no such thing as a 100% hypoallergenic dog. The idea of such a breed is nice, but it is a myth.
Bernedoodles and other Poodle Mix dogs can come very close to being hypoallergenic.
How hypoallergenic or allergy friendly a Bernedoodle is will come down to two key components, both related to genetics. The amount of shedding, and amount of skin dander that sheds will greatly influence the extent to which an allergy sufferer finds issue with a dog.
The less dander, the more hypoallergenic.
The less shedding, the more hypoallergenic.
Certain types of Bernedoodles have less dander, and also shed less.
- The wavy and curly coat types of Bernedoodle are lowershedding
- Straight coat Bernedoodles are higher shedding
- Wavy and curly Bernedoodles tend to have less dander
- Straight coat Bernedoodles may have more dander
- A F1 bernedoodle can vbery from zero shedding to high shedding
- A F1b Bernedoodle often shed much less
- An Australian Bernedoodle is often non-shedding just like a F1b Bernedoodle
- Compare the amount of shedding of a Bernedoodle Vs a Goldendoodle
In summary: There is no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic dog. A well bred Bernedoodle that has been genetically tested can come close. The easiest Bernedoodle to find that is allergy friendly is a F1b Bernedoodle. An alternative but similar breed choice is an Australian Bernedoodle.
Will My Bernedoodle Shed?
- If your Bernedoodle did not shed much as a puppy, it probably won’t shed
- If your Bernedoodle is wavy coat, it probably won’t shed
- If your Bernedoodle is curly coat, it probably won’t shed
- If your Bernedoodle is F1b, it is unlikely to shed
- If your Bernedoodle is a straight coat, it probably will shed
- If your Bernedoodle does not have furnishings (facial hair) it will likely shed
- If your Bernedoodle is F1 it can range from zero shed to heavy shedding
- If your Bernedoodle is an Australian Bernedoodle, it is unlikely to shed
How To Trim A Bernedoodle Face?
- Use a comb to brush away any tangles or knots. You should be targeting the neck, beard and moustache of the Bernedoodles. Not all Bernedoodles love being brushed.
- Start early as a puppy so they become familiar with the process. Use the best Bernedoodle brush for the coat, and our recommended budget friendly steel comb (see review) is the only other brushing tool you will need to ever buy.
- Use an electric trimmer or scissors to groom the cheeks to around 1-1.5 inches (2.5-4 centimetres). Start longer if you are unsure.
- Use blunt ended scissors to clear the eyes in an upside down V pattern over the Bernedoodle snout. You want your Bernedoodle to be able to see clearly.
- When you are cutting the rest of the eye fur, for example between the eyes – essentially you are creating bangs for your Bernedoodle. Cut a flat long fringe and see how it looks.
- NEVER TRIM YOUR DOG’S WHISKERS. You will be able to easily feel the difference between the whiskers (thick, dense) and the soft Bernedoodle coat. They need these for spacial awareness, and it helps dogs navigate in the dark.
- Use the electric trimmer to create a blend between the eyes and the snout and cheeks. Gradual change of length always looks better. You can leave a little definition of length around the bangs.
- Use scissors to trim the snout/beard of the Bernedoodle. Water and food will be trapped here if you leave too much. Trim too much away however, and your Bernedoodle will lose its distinctive giant teddy bear look.
- Use scissors to cut the longest part of the ear hair. We still want length, but you don’t want your Bernedoodle to look like a Cocker Spaniel.
- Further down the neck than the beard/muzzle, use an electric trimmer set to around 1 inch
- Even everything using blunt ended scissors.
Brushing at least once per week with the best Bernedoodle brush will maintain the coat for longer in between grooming. Prevent matting by buying an excellent slicker brush, and use it as well as a budget friendly steel comb. See our detailed review of the best slicker brush for Bernedoodles, and the only comb for Bernedoodle you should buy.
For the Bernedoodle face, using the correct shampoo is as important as the rest of the coat. We need to be able to lift dirty, saliva and tears stain debris effectively, while naturally nourishing the coat. Look for natural ingredients that will protect the natural oils of the coat. We tested and reviewed the 5 best Bernedoodle shampoos and found a favourite.
How Long Can Bernedoodles Be Left Alone?
You should try not to leave your Bernedoodle alone for more than a few hours. Less if they are a puppy. Bernedoodles are highly social and rely on us for their entertainment. Like Labradoodles they can’t really live outside. If you are leaving your Bernedoodle for a time
- Leave some entertainment, like a puzzle game or a frozen Kong (learn the best way to stuff a Kong)
- Ensure adequate water
- Don’t leave a buffet of food, you need to monitor total calorie intake to prevent pet obesity
- Ensure easy access to a toilet space (or porch potty)
- Consider some distracting music or background noise if you are worried about separation anxiety or problematic barking
When To Give Bernedoodle First Haircut?
We asked the experts when they thought a Bernedoodle should have its first haircut. The groomers, owners and breeders all agreed that at around 5 months of age is appropriate for the first groom and haircut.
You can trim the paws of your Bernedoodle to prevent paw licking and chewing at any age. In fact playing with the paws of a Bernedoodle puppy to familiarise it with grooming is a recommended activity. Find out why a Bernedoodle might lick or chew its paws and how to approach Bernedoodle paw care.
You can also shampoo your Bernedoodle even when it is a puppy. Using the correct Bernedoodle puppy shampoo will limit tangles and protect soft puppy skin. Puppies play in muck, and sometimes have accidents!
Shampooing your Bernedoodle puppy will be necessary. We should however try to limit the frequency of shampooing and use healthy natural Bernedoodle specific shampoos when you do.
You can trim the snout, ears and butt of the Bernedoodle even when it is a puppy. This is considered a hygienic trim rather than an actual haircut. You can also reduce the hair around the paws to prevent slipping, or matting in this sensitive area.
Can You Get A Bernedoodle Puppy With Blue Eyes?
Bernedoodles typically have dark eyes that are brown or black. They are oval shaped, and really cute! You can however get some other eye colours.
Bernedoodles can have blue eyes. This is far less frequently seen than the usual darker colours.
Bernedoodles can also have gray eyes. Sometimes Bernedoodles have a unique colour in each eye. This is striking when seen!
An interesting trap with blue eyed Berendoodles is that as they get older the colour can change. Blue or grey eyes can turn into darker coloured eyes. Be mindful
Can You Get A Bernedoodle With Short Hair?
People sometimes wonder if you can get a Bernedoodle with short hair? As a general rule – no you cannot get a truly short hair Bernedoodle.
It is very possible to regularly trim a Bernedoodle of any coat type. You can trim the coat of a Curly or Wavy Bernedoodle to give a very short coat. It will maintain its softness and non-shedding qualities.
A very dense or kinky curl can also appear quite short, even though the actual individual hair length
Does a Bernedoodle Have Hair or Fur?
People often chat about dog hair Vs dog fur and wonder what type of coat their dog breed has.
When push comes to shove, the biological building blocks of fur AND hair are the same. It is made up of keratin just like human hair.
A hair coat is typically longer than a fur coat. It grows for longer, and stays put for longer. This usually means less shedding. It typically stays around the same volume all year round.
A fur coat is much denser, and often shorter. Fur is typically a lot easier to lose. A fur coat will usually shed more. Fur also can grow denser or in higher volumes during winter. A winter-coat in effect.
Bernedoodles typically have hair rather than fur. This is one of the reasons they are often low to non-shedding.
In terms of allergy, the production of skin dander, or proteins in the dog saliva are more likely to cause a reaction than the hair itself. It just so happens that lower shedding coats like the curly or wavy Bernedoodle and Poodle-like coat also are associated with less dander.
If you suffer from allergies, spend time with a Bernedoodle from the same family or litter as a test before welcoming a Bernedoodle to your home.
Do Bernedoodles Need Haircuts?
Bernedoodles are going to need haircuts. Every 6-8 weeks in fact. There is a little bit involved when it comes to grooming a Bernedoodle.
Because Bernedoodles have hair rather than fur, they end up with a longer coat. In summer this can get hot. Longer hair can also cause issues in key areas like around the mouth, the bottom, or in between the paws. Routinely trimming these areas (particularly the delicate Bernedoodle paws) will help keep your dog healthy and happy.
The Bernedoodle can also get prone to tangles or knotting if not brushed correctly. As well as trimming or haircuts, you will need to brush your Bernedoodle at least once per week using the correct type of brush. See the best Bernedoodle brush by far and the one budget friendly accessory (a steel comb) in our detailed guide to brushing a Bernedoodle.
By giving a Bernedoodle a haircut you will be reducing the extent to which the longer coat can get tangled.
A shorter coat after haircut will also be easier to effectively shampoo. Because of the large volume of hair, you need to choose the best Bernedoodle breed shampoo that will effectively wash and moisturise large volumes of hair without stripping natural oils. You need quality shampoo before your Bernedoodle gets trim to help remove tangles.
What is a Tri-Colour Bernedoodle?
A Tricolour Bernedoodle is perhaps the most desired coat type. The three colours are inherited from the Bernese Mountain Dog breed.
The three colours of a tri-coloured Bernedoodle are
- A base of jet black
- Clear white as a secondary colour
- And patches of rust, almost as highlights to the clear white
This distinctive tricolour appearance is show stopping and draw dropping.
F1 Bernedoodles are most likely to have the tri-colour. F1b and F2 Bernedoodles can also be tri-colour, but as the Poodle genetic percentage increased or the multi generation kicks in you may see less well defined tri-colours.
Do F1 Bernedoodles Shed?
You can have a F1 Bernedoodle that is zero shedding, or one that strongly mimics the coat of the Berner (Bernese Mountain Dog) and sheds heaps.
Some breeders have genetically tested both parent breeds for the genes that cause shedding. They will be able to provide you with strong assurances that your F1 Bernedoodle will or will nott shed.
Do F2 Bernedoodles Shed?
A F2 bernedoodle has both parents that are Bernedoodles. It is a Bernedoodle X Bernedoodle. There is no guarantee that your F2 Bernedoodle won’t shed.
In fact a F2 Bernedoodle that is a combination of two F1 Bernedoodles that are 50:50 is no more or less likely to shed than the original F1 Bernedoodle.
If a F1b Bernedoodle is crossed and the overall percentage of Poodle genetics increases, there is more likelihood of a non-shedding coat.
The actual genes present will be more influential than the F1 or F2 determination.
Do F1b Bernedoodles Shed?
A F1b Bernedoodle has 75% Poodle genetics. They are more likely to have a lower shedding curly or wavy coat. This is due to the genes present.
If a non-shedding Bernedoodle coat is the most important element of deciding what type of Bernedoodle best suits you, then heading towards a F1b Bernedoodle is a safe option.
What is a Phantom Bernedoodle?
A phantom coat is a fairly rare occurrence in a Poodle mix dog. A phantom coat will consist of two colours. One colour is dominant, the other appears in certain places.
The primary (main) colour covers the body, head and legs. The secondary colour is on the muzzle, above the eyes, on the chest and on part but not all of the legs.
Unique and beautiful when seen! A Phantom Bernedoodle will most typically have a darker primary shade and either white or rust as the secondary.
Want an idea of what it looks like? A phantom coat is sometimes known as a Doberman coat. Think dark and tan as a likely colour set.
What is a Merle Bernedoodle?
A Merle coat is not a specific set of colours. Merle is a genetic pattern that essentially looks like lighter coloured splotches. Wikipedia says “The merle gene creates mottled patches of color in a solid or piebald coat, blue or odd coloured eyes, and can affect skin pigment.” (Bernedoodle Wiki)
You will find this type of coat sometimes in Bernedoodles, particularly a Bernedoodle with different coloured eyes.
A different breed that often has a Merle coat is a Border Collie or Australian Shepard.
Can You Breed a Bernedoodle with a Bernedoodle?
Yes! You can breed a Bernedoodle with a Bernedoodle. In fact that’s how you get a second generation (aka F2) Bernedoodle.
To do so might not necessarily increase the likelihood of a hypoallergenic dog. You may be more likely to get a less defined pattern of foclours, or even a merle Bernedoodle.
It is not called a double Bernedoodle. A Bernedoodle X Bernedoodle is known as a F2 second generation Bernedoodle.
Do Bernedoodles Lose Their Puppy Coat?
Most experts agree you should start to groom your Bernedoodle from around 5 months of age. Results of our survey show this is true for Bernedoodles (and coincidentally also Goldendoodles!)
This is because a Bernedoodle will lose its puppy coat from around 5 months of age.
Bernedoodles will lose their puppy coat from 5-12 months of age.
Sometimes there will be a physical change of appearance that is significant. Other owners notice that while still soft, there can be a reduction in the extremely soft Bernedoodle puppy coat.
Other owners will simply not notice the difference or even be aware that their dog has undergone a coat change from puppy to adult.
The colour of the coat does not tend to change much for Bernedoodles. Some do end up with a lighter coat, but this is not an every time occurence.
Are Bernedoodle Double Coated?
If a dog has an undercoat AND a topcoat it is known as a double coat. Bernedoodles do not have a true undercoat. The same hair grows from the root right to the tip.
Poodles have a single coat (for all intents and purposes) and this is usually inherited by the Bernedoodle.
This means Bernedoodles are not considered to have a Double Coat.
You need to take care to maintain the non-shedding Bernedoodle coat correctly. You need to use a Bernedoodle appropriate slicker brush every week, as well as a budget friendly steel comb. These two items are the only brushes you will need to preserve and protect your Bernedoodles non-shedding single coat.
Wash your Bernedoodle only as required, and use the natural and best Bernedoodle shampoo. We tested and reviewed the 5 Best Bernedoodle Shampoos here.
How Do You Brush A Bernedoodle?
There are many things when it comes to dog care and grooming that require a skilled set of hands. Brushing your Bernedoodle however is both super important, and dead set easy. If you use the correct tools.
Selecting the two different brushes you need to brush a Bernedoodle is easy. You need a high quality slicker brush, and a budget friendly steel comb. If you buy a quality slicker brush it will make the job significantly easier.
A high quality slicker brush is a once off purchase if you get a quality one. A stainless comb should not set you back much, but will need to have a specific design for the end tips of the comb teeth to protect Poodle Mix skin.
We wrote an extensive review of the types of brush needed for a Bernedoodle here. See the best brush by far, and the only stainless steel comb you will ever need.
Can You Get a 100% Black Bernedoodle?
It is rare but not unheard of for a Bernedoodle to be fully black. There is usually an area of a second or third colour on the muzzle, chest or feet though.
What type of Bernedoodle looks like a teddy-bear?
The teddy-bear look of a bernedoodle comes from a combination of a wavy coat and also the furnishings. The furnishings are the facial hair that gives the teddy-bear like appearance.
- Wavy coat Bernedoodles look more like a teddy-bear than straight coats
- Curly coat Bernedoodles with lots of furnishings can look like a teddy-bear
A F1b Bernedoodle or an Australian Bernedoodle are the most likely to tick these boxes. Breeders with a strong pattern history or genetic testing can also have F1 Bernedoodles that are very teddy-bear looking.
Should I Shave My Bernedoodle?
There is no reason not to shave your Bernedoodle. If you don’t mind the look and waiting for the luscious locks to grow back.
The coat will still be soft, but is much easier to maintain when short. This can be great for a Bernedoodle that loves to swim at the beach, or go hiking in the mud.
Even a shorn or shaved Bernedoodle will still need frequent brushing with the best types of Bernedoodles brush (a slicker brush) and also a simple steel comb.
Short haired Bernedoodles will also still need the best Bernedoodle shampoo when it comes to bath or showertime.
Bernedoodle Vs Goldendoodle – How Do The Breeds Compare?
One of the Poodle Mix breeds that is most frequently considered in the same breath as the Bernedoodle is a Goldendoodle.
Although you can get a Mini Bernedoodle or a Teacup Goldendoodle, both of these breeds are towards the larger end of the Poodle Mix breed sizes.
There are plenty of similarities when you compare a Bernedoodle to a Goldendoodle. As a family dog, both of these breeds excel. Both can be excellent with kids and teenagers and are social and active inside your family unit. Both breeds will adopt your family as its pack.
Other similarities between the Goldendoodle and a Bernedoodle are a fierce intelligence, and a sometimes problematic barking habit.
Key differences between a Bernedoodle and a Goldendoodle boil down to health and lifespan, temperament, and trainability.
Bernedoodles do not live as long as Goldendoodle. Goldendoodles often see 10-15 years lifespan, and sometimes more for smaller versions. Bernedoodles are larger dogs and inherit a shorter lifespan from the Bernese Mountain Dog. It is a rare Bernedoodle that breaks the decade.
Bernedoodles are loyal and proud, but can be a little stubborn. Goldendoodles are friendly to a fault. Goldendoodles have such a zest for life that you will never seem them lethargic. They literally brim with energy!
Both dogs will get along well with strangers if introduced correctly, but a Goldendoodle is less likely to be upset by meeting someone new.
When it comes to trainability the final outcome is similar. Both the Bernedoodle and the Goldendoodle are wickedly smart. They are made from intelligent breeds, and the combination usually results in brainpower.
A difference is that getting the dog actually trained can be more difficult for a Bernedoodle. A Bernedoodle is prone to inheriting some stubbornness from the BMD dog. This strong will can be worked with, and used as an asset. Training a Bernedoodle can be more difficult due to this.
Correctly potty training a Bernedoodle is important to nail early on, get it perfect so you can focus on other training as they get older.
Bernedoodles are on the whole calmer than Goldendoodles though, who are famous for their exuberant response to… everything. Some Goldendoodles despite being eager to please and easier to train – run into difficulties due to short attention spans and a habit of becoming distracted.
We have a definitive comparison guide between a Goldendoodle and a Bernedoodle. If you are deciding which breed is right for your family, take the time to go into detail on the similarities and differences between the two breeds.
What is the Bernedoodle Personality Like?
Bernedoodle personality traits are
- They are highly intelligent
- Hardworking dogs (in terms of training, hiking or even actual snow work)
- Loyal to family
- Enjoy being silly sometimes, love to play certain games
- Kid friendly
- Other dog friendly (with proper introductions)
- Strong willed (usually an asset)
- Can be okay with cats
- Playful
- Affectionate
- Love exercise, running, playing and swimming
How Does an Aussiedoodle Vs Bernedoodle Compare?
Crossing an Australian Shepard with a Poodle can give a fairly large dog with the zoomies and a bunch of intelligence.
Key similarities between the Bernedoodle and Aussiedoodle are their determination when they want to do a task, and their size. Bernedoodles will typically end up more heavy set and heavier.
Both breeds are trainable. Bernedoodles are a little more headstrong and might resist certain types of training. Most Aussiedoodles are whip smart, but sometimes you get a genetic quirk or a slightly slower paced dog that need a lot more time to learn to do things.
See our comparison guide of Bernedoodle Vs Goldendoodle to see how the breed all stack.
Can Bernedoodles Go On Runs?
As long as you are not overexerting them, Bernedoodles can go on runs!
I interviewed Bernedoodle owners on this topic and was chuffed to find out how much some of their Bernedoodles loved to jog and run!
Due to their size and heavy coat, a Bernedoodles might not be the ideal companion to train with you for a half marathon though.
Find out more about the aptitude and natural ability for Bernedoodles to run or go hiking.
Are Bernedoodles Smart?
Bernedoodles are well regarded as an intelligent animal. They cross the extremely smart Poodle with a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog. BMD’s might not be MENSA members but they are not always far off.
A combination of two intelligent breeds results in a dog that is usually very smart. Cross breeding (particularly for a first generation or F1 Bernedoodle) is still a genetic lottery and results may vary.
Bernedoodle owners say that their dogs excel at mental enrichment games and puzzles. You can test your Bernedoodle and start training their brain from a very young age. Try simple DIY brain games like muffin tin games to get the brain juices flowing.
Simple puzzle treats like packing and freezing a KONG are another great way to help develop the brain of your Bernedoodle and keep them learning.
When it comes to training and tricks, owners tell me that Bernedoodles are very open to reward based training. Positive reinforcements in the form of treats are super effective to train party tricks, discipline and obstacles.
Early at home training like shape training or complex puzzles can also keep the brain firing and test the limits of your bernedoodles smarts. See what types of indoor dog games and activities you can play with your dog.
Are Bernedoodle Puppies Hyper?
As a general rule Bernedoodle puppies will spend most of their day sleeping. In fact an adult Bernedoodle will sleep up to 50% of the day, and a Bernedoodle puppy might sleep up to 90% of the time.
Whether or not a Bernedoodle puppy is hyper during the rest of the time though is up to luck and training. If you provide exercise and mental enrichments (as simple as a frozen Kong) then your puppy should not be too hyper.
Some dogs are just balls of seemingly endless energy. Give them constructive puzzles and things to do that do not involve destroying everything. Consider an early morning walk every single day (for older puppies) to get them exercised early and limit a day of hyperactivity.
Are Bernedoodles Protective?
Many Bernedoodle owners report that their dog is very protective of the family unit. Bernedoodles are a loyal breed, and once they establish who is in their pack, can go to length to protect the unit.
Bernedoodles are a large dog, and training needs to occur if the Bernedoodle gets overprotective or starts getting bitey.
Mouthing as part of play, or barking as a warning are normal behaviours. Firm biting or excessive barking are problematic behaviours that can occur for the protective Bernedoodle.
Most Bernedoodles will learn soon what an actual threat is compared with a normal interaction. If you train your Bernedoodle in this way there should be very few issues.
Some Bernedoodles are just no good as guard dogs or even to mildly protect your family. They are just too darn friendly and keen for tummy rubs. If you need a guard dog, a Bernedoodle should not make the short list.
Can Bernedoodles Swim?
Bernedoodles are such a large dog. This combined with the fact that they descend from Swiss Mountain Dogs (snow dogs) makes people wonder if Bernedoodles can swim?
I did a survey of actual Bernedoodle owners and discovered that almost every Bernedoodle can swim. In fact some of the Bernedoodles loved the water so much, it was getting them to stop swimming that was a hassle!
See more about Bernedoodles and swimming in our extensive article here. We cover how to introduce a Bernedoodle puppy to water, how to take a Bernedoodle to the beach, and how best to groom your Bernedoodle after swimming.
Can Bernedoodles Be Left Alone?
Bernedoodles are very social animals. They consider your family to be part of their pack. They are such a social dog that they can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for too long. As a puppy try to limit time away from the dog to as few hours as possible.
Many Bernedoodles and owners have a comfortable routine of the owners working through the day while the Bernedoodle sleeps. If the hours are not too long and the separation does not start too young – this can work perfectly.
If you are working 12 hours days, you need to arrange a social visit for your dog. You can ask friends or families, take your Bernedoodle to work, or even pay a sitter or walker to break up the day.
If you are welcoming a Bernedoodle as part of your family, try to make sure adequate time is available for them to be with you. They are very social and do not appreciate being alone.
Can Bernedoodles Live Outside?
Bernedoodles are similar to Labradoodles in that despite being large and sturdy, they really can’t live outside. Both breeds of companion dogs are very dependent on humans for entertainment and comfort.
Being left outside permanently or for extended periods of time doesn’t provide what the Bernedoodle needs to thrive.
Some Bernedoodles can live outside, particularly if they have other dogs living with them. In general though, Bernedoodles prefer to be inside close to the action.
Can Bernedoodles Hunt?
Bernedoodles can be hunting dogs. It is not particularly common, but some do have the nose and aptitude for hunting.
Considerations for hunting with a Bernedoodle are
- Be careful with larger dogs injuring their joints while hunting
- Bernedoodle coats are high maintenance even before being used as a hunting dog
- If they are a companion dog, sometimes it is hard to flick the switch back and forth between companion and hunter
- Poodle are waterfowl retrieving dogs, and the instinct can run deep
Can Bernedoodles be registered? Can a Bernedoodle be AKC registered?
You cannot register modern crossbreed dogs with the American Kennel Club.
You can register Bernedoodles with local clubs, councils, or for pet insurance though. They are a recognised breed in that sense.
There is no breed standard, so no particular reason why you would even want to register your Bernedoodle with the AKC even if you were able.
When to Get a Bernedoodle Puppy Groomed?
The experts agree, Bernedoodles should have their first general groom sometime during the puppy coat transition phase. This will typically be around 5 months of age.
Bernedoodles can lose their puppy coats obviously, with a physical change or significant shedding. Other Bernedoodles will transition so slowly that many owners will not notice the change at all.
Be on the lookout for an increase in shedding when you are brushing the Bernedoodle puppy coat. The best Bernedoodle brush is a slicker brush, and you may see an increase in the fine hairs visible in the fine steel wires.
The first grooming for a Bernedoodle puppy should be from around 5 months of age.
My Bernedoodle is Crazy (HELP!)
Some Bernedoodles are going to be balls of endless energy. You might even wonder you got yourself a high energy Sheepadoodle or Goldendoodle by accident!
Often this will pass from puppyhood into adulthood. It is not a typical Bernedoodle trait.
However if your dog is really crazy and running circles around you, here are the three steps. Two at home, one call for assistance.
- Up first, increase the amount of physical exercise you do with the dog. Get the dog tired (in a very fun way)
- Next find chew toys or puzzle games that are mentally stimulating to tire your dog mentally (see 35 Indoor Dog Games and Activities for inspiration)
- If these do not have an impact, you should seek advice from an animal trainer or behaviour expert NOW. Do not wait, early intervention with an experienced professional can resolve almost all “crazy” Bernedoodle puppy behaviour
Are Bernedoodles Good With Cats?
Bernedoodles and cats can get along really well, or at least reach a point of mutual tolerance. We wrote this article explaining how to introduce a bernedoodle puppy to cats. It covers everything you need to consider about Bernedoodles and cats.
Are Bernedoodles Calm?
In general the temperament of a fully grown Bernedoodle is calm. They can be cheeky or sometimes go on a little bit of a destructive play rampage. In general though Bernedoodles are relatively calm.
This relative calm and patience to the small things makes them fairly good with children known to them. Some Bernedoodles will be suspicious of the behaviour of kids that are strangers.
Some Bernedoodle puppies are a ball of energy. Even though adult Bernedoodles like exercising, running and even swimming – they tend to be much calmer.
Do Bernedoodles Bark A Lot?
People considering getting a Bernedoodle often wonder if their new dog is going to bark a lot. All dogs will bark, and barking to some degree is a normal behaviour.
Excessive barking is a problem though, and likely has a cause. Some Poodle Mix breeds like the Goldendoodle see issues with excessive barking.
In fact all breeds of dog can develop problematic barking behaviours. Bernedoodles are no exception!
Besides problematic barking, Bernedoodles are not particularly known for their barking. They are a friendly and cuddly breed, but not all Bernedoodles are vocal.
There are plenty of owners who do report that their Bernedoodle does bark quite often. In general though there is no particular breed disposition to bark often or be very talkative.
Are Bernedoodles Good Family Dogs?
Bernedoodles are more than just a giant, fluffy, cuddly teddy bear. They are an intelligent breed who are often keen to join your family pack. Bernedoodles are good with children.
Introducing young children to a Bernedoodle is a lot tricker. It is almost always easier when the dog or the human have a maturity gap. An older dog is easier to introduce to a toddler, and a child or teen is much easier to introduce to a puppy.
Bernedoodles are very large dogs, and you need to remember this when they are around small children. Even innocent puppy excitement can knock over a child who will be much smaller and clumsier for a time.
Other Poodle Mix breeds like the Goldendoodle are also great with kids.
Are Bernedoodles Aggressive?
In general bernedoodle are not aggressive dogs.
They can inherit a trait of strong willedness from the Bernese Mountain Dog. In some circumstances this can translate to aggression if the behaviour is not managed effectively from an early stage.
Beyond this all dogs can be aggressive if they feel frightened, or someone they care about is in danger. Bernedoodles are loyal so extra care needs to be taken to help them learn what it (and mostly what is not) a threat to the pack.
Are Bernedoodles Cuddly?
The reason that Bernedoodles are often referred to as giant teddy bears goes beyond the obvious. Sure with the right haircut a Bernedoodle can look like a Teddy.
But at their heart these giant Poodle Mix dogs are super cuddly. They love their family, and love to spend time in contact with them.
Some Bernedoodle puppies will cuddle right from the get go, others might develop this nature over time. All dogs are unique and you may come across the incredibly rare Bernedoodle that does not want to cuddle. If you do you should buy a lottery ticket though, because they are rare.
Almost all Bernedoodles love to cuddle, sleep at your feet, and spend time with the family.
How Much Exercise Does a Bernedoodle Need?
A Bernedoodle is a fairly active dog. Don’t let these couch potatoes fool you, they love to swim, run and play.
To be properly exercised a dog needs physical and mental stimulation.
In terms of physical exercise a Bernedoodle will require around 30 minutes of exercise or active play every day. In their prime some Bernedoodles will need up to 60 minutes.
Mentally, you need to work the Bernedoodle brain every day. Simple food puzzles like a frozen Kong or DIY brain games like the muffin tin game are good ways you keep your Bernedoodles brain active and exercising.
Are Bernedoodles Good Apartment Dogs?
Bernedoodles are a generally large dog. There are miniature Bernedoodles, but a miniature is hardly a tiny dog like a Teacup Goldendoodle. Bernedoodles are substantial dogs with a minimum of 30 minutes per day active play or exercise requirement.
Although smaller dogs do tend to do better in apartments, with good planning and equipment Bernedoodles can do well in apartments.
A few common considerations when deciding if you should get a Bernedoodle for your apartment are
- Is there a toilet solution? Making a DIY porch potty or buying a grass potty option is fairly easy. Apartment owners find huge success training their dog to use these tools. Otherwise make sure you have potty training down to an artform as soon as possible to avoid unfortunate situations.
- Exercise – If your apartment is very small the Bernedoodle will get almost no exercise minutes that accrue towards the 30-60 minute exercise requirement. Active play throughout the day normally helps achieve this goal easily. Consider additional outdoor exercise and make plans for winter.
- Mental exercise and indoor games – there are plenty of indoor dog games and activities that you and your Bernedoodle can do to keep occupied, engaged and healthy indoors.
Do Bernedoodles Get Along With Other Dogs?
There is no reason that Bernedoodles cannot get along well with almost every other dog.
- Early immersion and exposure to other dogs is vital
- Plan play dates from a very young age with a variety of dogs of different sizes, energy level and breeds
- If introducing a puppy to the household make sure it understands the existing family pack hierarchy and take steps to make the existing dog feel secure in its place
- Be open to meeting new dogs, but be careful in off leash dog parks to avoid any traumatic experiences to your Bernedoodle at a young age that may scar its approach to other dogs
Owners report their Bernedoodles getting along with big dogs, small dogs, new puppies, and even can (sorta) get along with cats.
What Are Some Good Bernedoodle Names?
When naming your Bernedoodle there are four approaches you could consider.
- Large dog names for your big Bernedoodle
- Maximus (Max!)
- Hulk
- Bear
- Moose
- Goliath
- You can also consider some Bernedoodle specific pun-names
- Bear (again)
- Bernie
- Burn
- Flame
- Some new modern classic male Bernedoodle names could be
- Henry
- Scout
- Atticus
- Milo
- Chase
- Or some female new modern classic Bernedoodles names could be
- Lucy
- Bella
- Coco
- Joy
- Willow
You could even consider a Star Wars themed dog name! They don’t have to be over the top and you can show your love for the franchise while still being subtle!
- Chewy (Chew-barker!)
- Artoo
- Obie
- Kylo
- Carrie
We made a list of 51 Actually Good Star Wars names for ALL dogs you can see here.
Are Bernedoodles Hard To Train?
Bernedoodles are really, really smart. You will be able to train them. It might, however, take some time. A primary difference between a Bernedoodle and say a Goldendoodle, is the stubborn streak that a Bernedoodle often inherits from the Bernese Mountain Dog parent breed.
Stubbornness (aka strong willedness) can be a massive strength, and that determination will pay off down the line. Initially though, it can be somewhat tiresome to train your wonderful Bernedoodle. Particularly if they get something in their head that they are super attached to.
Positive enforcement remains the most effective training technique for the Bernedoodle breed. Use treats, patience, and repetition and you will be able to train your Bernedoodle to do almost any trick or behaviour.
Learn how to potty train your Bernedoodle FAST.
Do Bernedoodles like water? Do Mini Bernedoodles like water?
Are Bernedoodles water dogs? Yes!
Bernedoodles are water dogs who love to swim. Almost every Bernedoodle owner surveyed said their dog liked water. We wrote an extensive post about our research survey of Bernedoodle owners and their dogs attitude to water.
In summary, Bernedoodles like to swim. You can take them to the beach even as puppies. You can take them in the swimming pool. Gradual introduction is best!
Do Bernedoodles Like Cold Weather?
A Bernedoodle is a cross between a Poodle and the Bernese Mountain Dog. Poodles are no stranger to cold weather, but BMD’s absolutely live for it.
The Bernese Mountain Dog breed hails from the Swiss mountains. They have been working dogs before becoming companion dogs, and did much of that in cold or snowy conditions.
Bernedoodles inherit this love for the cold. They enjoy frolicking and playing in the snow! Like all dogs you do need to limit the total snow playtime and make sure your dog doesn’t get too cold.
When Does a Bernedoodle Stop Growing?
How long a Bernedoodle keeps growing will depend on the two parent breeds, and the total amount of percentage they have inherited from each.
Poodles can be fully grown by 18 months, Bernese Mountain Dogs tend to keep growing for two years.
Expert a Bernedoodle to stop growing somewhere between this range. 18-24 months. Height limits will be hit first, perhaps as early as 12 months. The weight tends to gradually fill out up to the two year mark.
See our detailed information about when a Bernedoodle will stop growing. There is a Bernedoodle growth chart, and also a Bernedoodle weight calculator to project the final size of your Bernedoodle puppy based on measurements you put in today.
How Big Do Bernedoodles Get?
The following table shows exactly how big Bernedoodles get depending on which size they are. This whose the average Bernedoodle size when full grown.
Height Range | Weight Range | |
Tiny Bernedoodle | 12-17 inches at shoulder | 10-24 pounds |
Mini Bernedoodle | 18-22 inches at shoulder | 24-49 pounds |
Standard Bernedoodle | 23-29 inches at shoulder | 70-90 pounds |
This article describes in detail how large Bernedoodles get and when Bernedoodles stop growing. There is also a Bernedoodle puppy weight calculator which allows you to estimate the future weight of a Bernedoodle.
What is the Bernedoodle Life Expectancy?
The lifespan for a Bernedoodle is less than the Goldendoodle or Labradoodle. A Goldendoodle will live for 12-17 years and sometimes even longer if it is a smaller type.
A Bernedoodle will live for 10-15 years. Smaller dogs live longer. The very largest Bernedoodles will live shorter lives.
How Much Do Bernedoodles Eat?
A standard Bernedoodle is a large dog. When budgeting for Bernedoodle food intake, be prepared for a fairly hungry dog.
An adult Bernedoodle can consume as much as three cups of quality dog food per day. When growing the intake may be higher. Many dogs also settle into a lower food intake.
As long as they are healthy and not overweight, let the stomach size of your Bernedoodle be the guide. Do not overfeed, but don’t be too discouraged if the intake drops a little.
When Should You Neuter Or Spay A Bernedoodle?
The age at which to neuter or spay a Bernedoodle should be decided by your Veterinarian. Across the United States and world, different breeders and vets have different views on the appropriate age.
Traditionally dogs were neutered from 6-9 months. In modern times a healthy puppy can be safely neutered from 8 weeks. Chat to your Vet and local animal protection society. The ASPCA in the USA has this information sheet to inform your decision.
PETA and animal rights protection groups say that spaying and neutering dogs and cats is a safe procedure, that is the single most effective preventative step against the chronic animal overpopulation issue that needs to millions of animals be put down every year.
What Is The Largest Doodle Breed?
The Bernedoodle is up there as one of the largest Poodle Mix breeds.
Besides the Bernedoodles there are very large Goldendoodles. Some breeders have even crossed a Bernedoodle with a Goldendoodle to make a Golden Mountain Doodle. That’s a big dog!
St Berdoodle (Saint Bernard cross) is also a seriously large Poodle Mix dog.
Where To Buy A Bernedoodle Puppy?
In general if you are looking for Bernedoodle puppies for sale, start with established breeders. You want someone who has experience in ethical breeding. Established and well managed breeding dogs with genetic testing for health and coat type are also worth their weight in gold.
This complex set up is why Bernedoodles are so expensive! They are a rare breed to begin with, and the amount of expertise and testing and planning involved in ethical breeding does drive up costs.
The next place you should look is the rescue. People have found Bernedoodles in the pound or rescue. Bernedoodles are expensive dogs to maintain due to their grooming requirements and size. Keep an eye out at Poodle rescue groups and you may be surprised at what pops up.
Now you know the two places to look, here is where to avoid. Don’t go to puppy mills, do not encourage exploitative breeders. If the situation feels off and unprofessional, walk away.
If the only contact with a breeder is via a free classifieds site, walk away. We all have a responsibility to never encourage dodogy breeders. Check shelters and use only reputable breeders.
How Much Do Bernedoodle Puppies Cost?
Bernedoodle puppies often cost from $2000-$4000 USD. They are expensive dogs. Sometimes you can find a puppy for less, but this does not happen frequently.
Finding a Bernedoodle at a rescue OR rehoming a Bernedoodle are going to be much cheaper options. You will need an element of luck to have this happen.
Best Bernedoodle Colorado Breeders
If you are looking for a Bernedoodle breeder in Colorado, check out these three best breeders we could find. Finding a Bernedoodle to join your family can sometimes involve a waitlist from the most ethical and reputable sources.
We are not paid for these links, they are found by researching the best breeders in Colorado and by us asking actual Bernedoodle owners where their loved puppy came from and how their experience was.
- Rocky Mountain Bernedoodles are a husband and wife team with over twenty years experience in dog breeding. They have a keen focus on producing healthy and ethically raised dogs. They acknowledge the responsibility they take on when they create designer dogs.
- Check out their website for some ridiculously good looking tricolour coats.
- Expect longer wait times for Tricolour and other desirable breeds
- Ranch House Bernedoodles in Colorado are located near Montrose. Paula and her family breed Bernedoodles on their small ranch.
- On their website Paula lists some of the beautiful Bernese Mountain Dogs they use to breed the crosses.
- Kathryn of Alpine Bernedoodles is a former Vet Tech who started breeding Bernedoodles in 2014. That was close to the beginning of the recent boom in Bernedoodle popularity!
- Bernedoodles love snow and so did Kathryn, she lived in Park City Utah for many years before retiring to Colorado for a change of pace.
Best Bernedoodle Utah Breeders
Bernedoodles love the snow, and Utah sure has a lot of snow! It should come as little surprise then that there are some very well regarded Bernedoodle breeders in Utah.
We are not paid for these links, we found the best Utah bernedoodle breeders are found by researching the best breeders inUtah and by us asking actual Bernedoodle owners where their loved puppy came from and how their experience was.
- Utah Bernedoodles is run by Ruth. She has loved Bernese Mountain Dogs since she was ten years old!
- They have been raising Bernedoodles since 2010
- They are also raising Australian Bernedoodles (new from 2020) which a of course a different breed (see Australian Bernedoodle Vs Bernedoodle)
- Mountain Blue Doodles is run by Olivia. They have been breeding Bernedoodles for quite some time. Check out the Facebook reviews and also the testimonials on the website.
- Mountain Blue also are experienced in breeding Sheepadoodles
- There is also upfront pricing information on the website
- North Ridge Doodles raise Goldendoodles and Bernedoodles and have been having litters of Bernedoodles since 2014