Dog Fur Turning Rust Color (5 Causes)

Dog Fur Turning Rust Color (5 Causes)

Every dog owner wants to ensure their furry friend is as happy and healthy as possible. So it can be upsetting and frustrating when something is happening to your dog that you don’t understand. If you own a dog with light-colored fur—particularly a white dog—you may have noticed some staining of your dog’s fur. Fur…

Is Burt’s Bees Dog Shampoo Safe? 2024 Update Review

Is Burt’s Bees Dog Shampoo Safe? 2024 Update Review

Walking through any grocery store’s skin and hair care aisle, you’d be hard-pressed to miss the brand Burt’s Bees. Dogs are a part of the family, and everyone wants to use products that are safe for their pup and will not break the bank.  Looking for a good dog shampoo, there are a few things…

7 Best Hypoallergenic Dog Shampoos (2024 Home Grooming)

7 Best Hypoallergenic Dog Shampoos (2024 Home Grooming)

You’re lounging on the couch enjoying some downtime with your pooch when out of the corner of your eye, you see your pooch frantically scratching itself and clearly irritated with something. Maybe he might even rub his face on a rough, abrasive surface like the carpet or rug. While some scratching is normal (who doesn’t…

Best Shampoo for Maltese [4 Tested Favorites]

Best Shampoo for Maltese [4 Tested Favorites]

Maltese dogs are undeniably cute. But along with their lively and playful temperament, they have significant grooming needs. Their typically brilliant white coat requires the proper care to keep them looking their best. So, you need to know the best shampoo for Maltese. And since Maltese dogs typically live for between 12 and 15 years,…

How to Wash a Dogs Face [Guide and Video]

How to Wash a Dogs Face [Guide and Video]

Whether you’re a first-time dog parent or you’ve recently welcomed a new furry friend to the family, washing a dog’s face is a critical skill that will keep their eyes, chin, and ears clean and fit for friendly scritches. While washing your dog’s face isn’t difficult, you’ll want to consider a few factors: Where’s the…

Best Shampoo for a Yorkie [5 Best Shampoos for Yorkshire Terriers]

Best Shampoo for a Yorkie [5 Best Shampoos for Yorkshire Terriers]

Yorkies have been a beloved and popular breed since their origins in the English countryside. They are smart, affectionate, and lively, and their small size and hypoallergenic coat make them a favorite breed for urban owners. Their most sought-after and defining characteristic is their long, silky coat. They are a long-haired breed whose coat is…