5 Best Dog Deshedding Shampoos (2024)

5 Best Dog Deshedding Shampoos (2024)

Regardless if you own a short-haired or double-coated dog breed, you’re bound to deal with your dog’s shedding throughout its life. Of course, some breeds might shed more than others, but other factors, like their health, stress, and diet, can also impact how often they shed.  Regular grooming can also help reduce shedding, so getting…

6 Best Dog Shampoos for Odor (2024 Update)

6 Best Dog Shampoos for Odor (2024 Update)

We’ve all been there. You’re cuddling with your pup when suddenly you get a whiff of something not-so-pleasant. Whether your dog has been rolling around in something smelly or it’s just their natural doggy odor, it’s off-putting, to say the least. But fear not! One of the best ways to combat odors on your dog’s…

5 Best Oatmeal and Aloe Dog Shampoos (2024)

5 Best Oatmeal and Aloe Dog Shampoos (2024)

Every dog owner dreads bathing their dog; they would react negatively and defensively at the thought of being clean. Unfortunately, to them, it’s required and should be done monthly. Now, you can skip a month or so, but we recommend not waiting until three months have passed to do so. Though when considering hygiene products…

The Best Dog Shampoo With Coconut Oil (DIY?) (2024)

The Best Dog Shampoo With Coconut Oil (DIY?) (2024)

We all love our fluffy companions and want nothing but the best for them. The best food, the most delicious treats, long walks, exuberant playtime, and plenty of love is what we strive to provide daily. When it comes to bathtime and grooming, the choice of shampoo should also be the best. Human shampoo is…

6 Best Puppy Shampoos 2024 Update

6 Best Puppy Shampoos 2024 Update

Welcoming a puppy into your home is an exciting time, but it’s also a serious undertaking. Like human babies, puppies require extensive care and attention to be safe and healthy. One element of puppy caretaking that owners typically don’t think of right away is bathing. Regularly cleaning your dog is essential to preventing skin infections…